Evaluation of the Potential of Ireng Gathering Starch (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.) As Alternative Food Ingredients and the Processed Organoleptic Aspects


Niken Kusumarin , Lianah , Mutista Hafsha ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 71-76 | Views: 818 | Downloads: 260 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3710771

Volume 4 - February 2020 (02)


The Curcuma aeruginosa is a plant of the Zingiberaceae tribe or ginger that has been known for its benefits as a traditional herbal medicine to overcome various health problems. But on the other hand, Ireng Intersection rhizome has reasonably high starch content. This study aims to measure the components of the chemical content in the Intersection of Curcuma aeruginosa frenetic characteristics of the processed pudding. The research method uses the standard proximate test, phytochemical test, toxicology test, and organoleptic test. Proximate test results showed that the irrigated starch contained 97.07% carbohydrates, 0.13% protein, 0.82% ash content, 1.98% fat, and 15.3% moisture content. The Toxicity test is not toxic.. High starch content indicates that the Curcuma aeruginosa  Intersection rhizome has the potential to be used as an alternative food ingredient. As many as 90% of respondents liked the Intersection Curcuma aeruginosa pudding, while for the aspect of taste 95% of respondents mentioned that the pudding was not sweet. As many as 91.67% of respondents did not detect the aroma of spices. As many as 93.33% of respondents agreed that there was no taste after consuming pudding. Pudding made from Intersection Ireng has the potential to be used as one of the variants of food.


Alternative food potential, Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb., Organoleptic, Processed Products


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