Effects Of Watering Regime And Mycorrhizal Inoculation On Growth,Functional And Yield Traits Of Four Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Varieties
Samuel Agele , Aiyelari Peter , Ojerinde Adeola ,
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A screen house experiment was conducted to determine the effects of watering intervals and Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation on growth, functional trait, grain yield and yield components of four rice varieties. Treatments were 4 x 3 x 2 factorial combination consisting of three indigenous rice (Igbemo, Benue type, Ofada) and improved varieties (Nerica 8), watering regimes at 4-, 8- and 12– day intervals and with or without the application mycorrhizal inoculum. Data collected were shoot and root weights, number of roots per plant and total root length, number of green and senesced leaves at 50% flowering and maturity, seed and panicle weights. Treatment were significant (P < 0.05) on some measured growth variables of mycorrhizal inoculated rice plants including plant height, number of tillers and leaves, leaf area and biomass per plant except fresh root weight of rice. A positive influence of Ambuscular mycorrhizal inoculation and 4 – day watering interval on plant growth and panicle and seed weight and 100 seeds weight compared to the non- inoculated and drought (12- day watering interval) were recorded. Inoculated Igbemo variety watered at 4– day intervals were consistently taller in height, had enhanced biomass and number of leaves and tillers. The 4- day watering interval enhanced rice growth which included, number of senesced leaves at 50% flowering and at maturity, number of green leaves at 50% flowering and at maturity, plant height at 50% flowering and biomass, except root length. Treatment effects were significant (P < 0.05) on some yield variables of rice which include, seed weight, 100 seed weight (g) and panicle weight. The values of these parameters were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in Igbemo and Benue varieties and were enhanced by the 4– day watering intervals. Inoculated Igbemo and Benue type watered at 4 – day interval had more seeds, higher seed weights and panicles with or without AMF inoculation compared with other varieties that were watered at 8– and 12– day watering intervals. The interactions between variety, watering intervals and mycorrhizal inoculation significantly enhanced plant height, leaf area, number of tillers and seed yields for Igbemo and Benue variety and number of spikes and spikelets for Ofada and Nerica 8.
Rice, indigenous, rhizobium, moisture stress, adaptation, yield
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