The effects of aqueous eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.). leaf extract in the control of early development of leaf spot disease (Cercosporiosis) of groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.)


Ndogho Pegalepo Angele , Egbe Enow Andrew , Ambang Zachee , Gbaporo Gbaporo Fabrice Christian , Soupi NKeutcha Marietta Solange , Donkem Guingo Blanche , Mvondo Nganti Dorotee , Ngata Ngadjui Laurence ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 46-56 | Views: 263 | Downloads: 88 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7035900

Volume 6 - April 2022 (04)


This study evaluated the effectiveness of the aqueous eucalyptus leaf extract (AELE) in the control of early cercosporiosis of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) at Meyos, a suburb of Yaoundé, Cameroon. It was two factors factorial experimental, with two varieties of groundnuts (JL24 and “Bafia”) and five treatments (T0: control; T1, T2, T3: consisting of 25, 50, 100 g/l of extract respectively) and T4 (treated with synthetic fungicide). The disease was identified at the field; and the growth, epidemiology and yield parameters of plants were assessed.  Field observations of symptoms and microscopic observations of the pure strain confirmed the nature of the disease. The use of different treatments did not influence significantly (P=0.05) the growth parameters of both varieties of groundnuts. At a dose of 100 g/l of the extract, the disease incidence significantly reduced compared to the control. At 28days and 56 days after sowing, plants treated with fungicide had the least disease incidence (68.57 and 60.62 % respectively) in the JL24 variety and 69.47 and 62.52 % respectively in the “Bafia” variety and these were significantly different from control (100 %).   The disease severity was least with fungicide treated plants 7.5, and 15.4 % as compared with control (13.1 and 73.4% in the JL24 variety; 8.6, and 16.3 for the “Bafia” variety while its control was 14.7 and 79.3 % respectively. The dry pods yield was highest in plots treated with synthetic fungicide (2.18 and 1.83 t/ha in the JL24 and “Bafia” varieties respectively) than with aqueous extract at a dose of 100 g/l (1.99 and 1.71 t/ha for the respective varieties while plants in their control plots had yield of 1.59 and 1.18t/ha for the respective species.


Groundnut varieties, leaf spot disease, aqueous eucalyptus leaf extract, growth, yield.


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