Use of Visual Spectrography of Skin by Cattle Coat and Muzzle for Their Identification


Leonid Chervinsky , M.I. Tregub , S.L.Makoda ,

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Volume 6 - June 2022 (06)


Measurement of the total and spectral reflectance of visible radiation, 400-700 nm, by cattle coat and muzzle was conducted using the integrating sphere and spectroradiometer.
The total reflectance of visible radiation by black, brown and white coats were 3 77%, 11.68% and 65.76% respectively. Total reflectance values for muzzle were 11.5%, 34.61% and 22.l,lt% for black, brown and brown-black muzzle respectively.


Visual Spectrography,Cattle Coat, Muzzle


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