Performance of Proven Cotton Varieties Demonstrated and It Economic Return to Producers in Case of Afar Region, Ethiopia


Adem Kedir , Getenet Belay , Merdasa Balcha , Tesfay Tura ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 10-17 | Views: 255 | Downloads: 76 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7092820

Volume 6 - June 2022 (06)


Cotton is an important crop commodity in Ethiopian agriculture and source of cash for the producers, creates huge job opportunities and hard currency for the country through export of various products. Despite the importance of the crop; low productivity, poor access of improved varieties and extension services are some of the constraint of cotton production at middle Awash basin.  This study was done to assess yield performance, gap and economic return of new cotton verities (Werer-50 and Weyto-07) to the producers. A total of 90 cotton producers were participated in demonstration. Demonstrated Werer-50 variety has 16.429% to 15.60 %, while; Weyto-07 variety has 17.92% to 18.35% yield advantage at Amibara and Gewane districts, respectively. The benefit cost ratios for improved cotton variety was 2.02 and 1.71birr for local deltapine-90. The result of benefit cost ratio indicated that the producers were obtained 2.02 birr for each birr invested on improved cotton varieties and 1.71 Birr for local check.  In general, the demonstrated cotton varieties in the areas were shown significant impact on productivity and profitability. Therefore, the study recommends that; strengthen effective and efficient delivery of technological promotion methods such as capacity building and close extension support will be advised to reduce knowledge and productivity gaps and shortage of  alternative proven cotton  varieties in the study area.


Producers, Demonstration, Cotton Varieties, cost-benefit 


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