Prevalence of Bovine Clinical Fasciolosis at Kotalipara Upazila of Gopalganj district of Bangladesh


Md. Murshed Hasan Mustafa , Md. Rafiul Islam , Md. Mukhlesur Rahman , Md. Abdul Alim , Md. Abul Hashem ,

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Volume 6 - June 2022 (06)


This study was aimed to see the prevalence of fasciolosis in cattle caused by Fasciola gigantica at Kotalipara upazila of Gopalganj district of Bangladesh. Study period was from August, 2020 to February, 2021 through field survey and laboratory analysis of carpological examinations. A total of 230 faecal samples of cattle showing emaciation, diarrhea and weakness were collected from different unions of Kotalipara upazila. Examination of the faecal samples by sedimentation technique revealed an overall prevalence of 47.83% fasciolosis in cattle. The highest prevalence of fasciolosis was detected in the young cattle of 1-2 years aged group (50.88%) followed by the adult cattle of >2-4 years of age (45.71%) and the older cattle of > 4 years of age (43.48%). Significantly (p<0.05) higher prevalence of clinical fasciolosis was detected in female cattle (56.06%) than in their male counterparts (36.73%). While considered the breed, the prevalence was significantly higher in cross-bred (59.30%) than in local/ indigenous (40.83%) cattle. This study suggests that fasciolosis is endemic in cattle in Kotalipara upazila of Gopalganj district and sex and breed of the cattle are important risk factors for the prevalence of clinical fasciolosis in cattle. The effective measures are needed for controlling this malady with a view to profitable livestock farming in the study area.      


Cattle, endemic, Fasciolosis, incidence, parasitic disease, risk factors


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