Agrophysiological Assessment of Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. Clone IRCA317 Grown on a Large Scale in Southwestern Cote d-Ivoire


Agnyman Eliathe Angeline Elabo , Marc Bohui Fabien Zele , Guy Joel Olivier Atsin , Koffi Mathurin Okoma , Yedoh Michel Gnagne , Andre Clement Demange , Samuel Obouayeba ,

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Volume 6 - August 2022 (08)


The breeding scheme adopted in rubber tree has three (03) main phases, the last of which is the large-scale clone field or CCGE. In order to test the agrophysiological performance of clones created in Côte d'Ivoire, a CCGE with clones IRCA317, IRCA321, IRCA323, IRCA416 and IRCA840 was set up and monitored for 18 years in southwestern Côte d'Ivoire, precisely in the Gô rubber estate. They were grown with clone GT1 used as reference control. Each clone was represented by 384 trees organized in Fischer blocks with four (04) repetitions. The trees were tapped half-spiral downward for 10 years and quarter-spiral upward for three (03) years. The parameters measured concerned trunk isodiametric growth, rubber yield, tree stand, latex physiological parameters and susceptibility to tapping panel dryness. The results revealed that clone IRCA317 was the highest yielding with an average rubber yield of 85 g/t/t, that is, 153% of that of the control GT1. Its average yield in kg/ha/year was 55% higher than that of the control. This clone was characterized by average annual increments of 10.6 cm/year in the immature phase and 2.5 cm/year during tapping. However, clone IRCA317 was found to be very susceptible to tapping panel dryness with 24.8% diseased cut length and a few cases of trunk deformation given the 10 stimulations applied to it per year. This clone, which has an active metabolism, must therefore be moderately stimulated in order to sustainably express its high rubber yield potential.


Hevea brasiliensis, agrophysiological performance, rubber yield, latex physiological parameters, Côte d’Ivoire.


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