Assessing Intra-Site Variability of Compaction Magnitudes and Carbon Emissions in an Oil Palm Plantation on the Drained Tropical Peatland


Marshall Kana Samuel ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 33-47 | Views: 250 | Downloads: 84 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7188967

Volume 6 - August 2022 (08)


Change of land use from peat secondary forest (SF) to oil palm plantation (OP) involves several specific practices that may contribute to soil property heterogeneity. Specifically, artificial compaction as marked by increased bulk density value was assessed in relation to repeating microsites identified in standard plantation design, and defined as harvesting path ‘HP’, under canopy ‘UC’, frond pile ‘FP’, and far from tree ‘FF’. Along with soil sampling at 25 cm depth, carbon emissions were measured within OP microsites using dynamic closed-chambers. The samples were collected at three different oil palm ages, namely A1 (15 years, 1st generation), A2 (9 years, 2nd generation), and A3 (2 years, second generation and previously burned) between November 2015 and May 2016. Compaction, as indicated by bulk density values, had been comparable among microsites but differed among OP ages. This suggests that compaction source within OP was solely due to period of drainage and the previous fire event. Meanwhile, CO2 emission was positively correlated with water proxies and pH, signifying the important of rainfall to dilute soil pH. Here we suggest that this leads to an increase in the solubility of organic matter and subsequently, an increase the availability of labile C to microbes, thus enhancing respiration and CO2 production. Despite absence of evidence that directly indicated effect of compaction, microsites emission variation was clear and employed to determine Surface Area Correction (SAC) for land use emission factor (EF) calculation. The value retrieved for EF using SAC was between the default value proposed by IPCC (2010) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (2014). The SAC was also applied to estimate EF reduction by limiting the number of palms per hectare and by converting FP microsites into HP and FF, which resulted in up to 11% of carbon reduction. Hence, identification of microsites emission variability offers data for complementary strategies in managing OP across tropical peatlands.


Agriculture management, Bulk density, Compaction, Carbon emission, Microsites, Oil palm ages 


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