Mulching Material and Growing Season Effect on the Expression of Agromorphological Traits of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Variety ARES in Korhogo, North of Cote-d-Ivoire
KOFFI Eric-Blanchard Zadjehi , DIARRASSOUBA Nafan , YAO Saraka Didier Martial , TIE Bi Sehi Narcisse , KOFFI Kouassi Jean-Christian Jubile , SIE Raoul Sylvere ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 31-42 | Views: 188 | Downloads: 53 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7421558
Côte d'Ivoire is not self-sufficient in onion. To make it autonomous, one of the solutions would be to provide farmers the appropriate varieties with an optimal cultural technique. It is in this perspective that this study has been conducted. Its objective is to evaluate the agromorphological performance of onion variety ARES in rainy and dry seasons with two mulching materials (Rice bran and plastic mulch). In this study, Karibou, dry season onion variety, has been used as control. The number of plants was 100 per variety on a usable area (S²) of 1.40 m² for a bed. The results of the work revealed that the rice bran mulch has a positive effect on agromorphological characteristics compared to the plastic bag mulch and the non-mulch control. With rice bran mulch, the average mass of the bulbs has been 77.82g. The beds with plastic bag mulch and those without mulch registered the respective overage of 42.75 and 47.17 g. The beds with rice bran mulch had the highest bulb yields of 7.20 kg/S² (51 tons per hectare), followed by the plants without mulch which averaged 4.35 kg/S² (31 tons per hectare). The lowest yield has been obtained with the bagged mulch plants, which provided an average of 3.95 kg/S² wether 28 tons per hectare. During the rainy and dry seasons, the variety ARES performed better than the control. These performances are statically identic during the both seasons. The mass of the bulbs fluctuates between 66.60 and 77.82 g when the bulb yield varied between 44 and 51 tons per hectare. With regard to its performances, the variety ARES can be advised for the culture in any season with the rice bran mulch. The culture of this variety can be extended to different agro-climates.
Onion, Variety ARES, Mulching, Agromorphological performances, Côte d’Ivoire
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