Characterization of soils from the Coastal Rural Area of Bengkulu, Indonesia for Agricultural Land
Zainal Muktamar , Nanik Setyowati , Anandyawati Anandyawati , Kartika Utami ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 01-11 | Views: 271 | Downloads: 88 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7421526
Conversion of productive land to other uses requires the utilization of marginal land for agricultural purposes, such as coastal areas. The coastal environment has disadvantages of high salinity, high acidity, and low nutrient availability for plant growth. The study aimed to characterize the current status of soil from a coastal rural area of Bengkulu for agricultural land. The study was in Pondok Kelapa SubDistrict, The District of Central Bengkulu, Indonesia. Two soils were purposely selected for description based on the area's highest acreages, namely Entisols and Inceptisols. The soil profile was constructed and described in early July 2022. Soil samples were collected from each soil depth and analyzed for physical and chemical characteristics. The result showed that Entisols were more significantly affected by seawater intrusion than Inceptisols, as indicated by higher exchangeable Ca and Mg at the bottom of the soil profile. The Electrical Conductivity and Exchangeable Sodium Percentage for both soils were constantly low throughout the depths of the profile and less than 4 dS m-2 and 15%, respectively. This current status of both soils has potential for agricultural land expansion.
Characterization of soils, Coastal Rural Area, Agricultural Land
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