Performance of Local Cowpea Genotypes Grown Under Deficit Irrigation Conditions



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Volume 6 - October 2022 (10)


Drought reduces the yield of many plants. The cowpea is the most drought-resistant legume. Due to its high protein content, it should also be included in a person's daily diet. Cowpea is one of the best-adapted legumes to poor field conditions. The objective of this research was to determine the yield and quality losses caused by drought in certain genotypes. The study utilized local genotypes grown in the region under deficit irrigation conditions. To accomplish this, local cowpea genotypes (genotype 1 and genotype 2) were grown under normal irrigation (100%) and deficit irrigation (50%). The study was conducted during the 2019 and 2020 cowpea production seasons on the trial fields of the Faculty of Agriculture at Aydın Adnan Menderes University.The grain yield, some components of the yield, the grain's protein content, and its zinc content were measured. As a result, higher grain yield and grain yield components were observed under conditions of complete irrigation. It was discovered that grain protein ratios were greater under deficit irrigation conditions. Among the genotypes, genotype 2 produced the highest grain yield and yield components


Cowpea, drought, grain protein content


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