Preparation of Nanosilica from White Rice Husk Ash Powder by Precipitation Method


Noor Sarinah Mohd Noor , Y. Yusnita , M. N. Erny Sabrina ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-10 | Views: 71 | Downloads: 23 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11403948

Volume 7 - August 2023 (08)


This paper discusses the preparation and morphology of nanosilica produced from rice husk ash powder (WRHAP) by the precipitation method. There were 3 steps involved in the production of nanosilica from WRHAP using the precipitation method which involved extraction of silica from WRHAP, formation of silica gel and extraction of pure silica through the reflux process.
The precipitation process of WRHAP was carried out using chemical treatments. The morphology of nanosilica particles observed under Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) showed the agglomeration of particles with spherical shape with diameters of 87 nm, 53 nm and 2 nm. The presence of siloxane bond was evident with the appearance of strong peaks in the silica nanosilica powder analysed using Fourier Transform Infra  Red (FTIR). A broad peak centred at 2θ angle of 22o was detected in the x-ray spectra (XRD) of nanosilica powder indicated an amorphous structure of pure silica, with the presence of small peaks due to some residues from the precipitation process.


agriculture waste, white rice husk ash, rice husk, precipitation process, silica, microstructures


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