Comparison of Antibiotic Sensitivity of Pattern Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis Isolated From Clinical Samples In Intensive Care Unit


Tugba Cebeci , Dilek Keskin , Ahmet Ali Gokal ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 10-14 | Views: 1202 | Downloads: 318 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484243

Volume 3 - June 2019 (06)


A retrospective analysis of the widely used antibiotics all susceptibility testing results from Candida (C.) albicans and Candida (C.) parapsilosis cultured from clinical specimens private hospital (2014-2018) was performed. The VITEK 2 Compact automated microbiology system (bioMérieux) is designed for automated rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing and identification of clinically relevant Candida isolates. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) results previously obtained in recent clinical isolates with well-defined in isolates with well-characterized resistance mechanisms with the microdilution method were re-interpreted for the susceptible, intermediate and resistant categories using the 2018 EUCAST breakpoints. Clinical samples are most commonly isolated from blood, wound and urine samples. In our study, Vorikanozol and Flucytosine showed 100% sensitivity rate both C. albicans and C. parapsilosis. MAR index value showed only one sample, 0.33 both C.albicans and C.parapsilosis. Considering the antibiogram, Vorikanozol and Flucytosine should be preferred drugs for both C.albicans and C.parapsilosis infection isolated from clinical samples


C.albicans, C.parapsilosis, antibiotic, sensitivity, clinical specimens, intensive care unit


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