Mycorrhizal Status of Several Plants and Soil Characteristics Around the Poboya Gold Mining Area, Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia


Yusran Yusran , Retno Wulandari , Dewi Wahyuni ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 57-66 | Views: 223 | Downloads: 64 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7611865

Volume 6 - December 2022 (12)


In Central Sulawesi Province, there are 26 conservation areas in the form of National Parks, Nature Reserves, Grand Forest Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Nature Parks, Marine Parks and Hunting Parks spread throughout the Regency. However, at present, the conservation area is threatened by both legal and illegal mining activities, such as gold and nickel mining, which of course threatens the sustainability of these biological resources and land. The research was conducted around gold mining area, Poboya village, Palu Municipality, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The mining area is part of the Poboya Forest Park (Tahura), which is one of the important conservation areas in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study aims to determine mycorrhizal status of several plant species and soil characteristics around the gold mining area of ​​Poboya. The results showed that there were 33 types of local plants found in the gold mining area of ​​Poboya Village, Palu, Central Sulawesi. Types of Acacia nilotica and Senna siamea are the most dominant plant species compared to other plant species. The highest percentage of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonization was found in Tectona grandis L., which was 67.6% and the lowest was in Opuntia sp, which was 2.3% and several plant species were not colonized on the roots such as Imperata cylindrical, Cyperus rotundus, Piper aduncum and Corypha sp. This study will allow us to know the mycorrhizal status of plants in the Poboya gold mining area, Central Sulawesi, in order to be used in the post-mining land reclamation process in the future.


Conservation, Gold Mining Area, Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Soils


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