Evaluation of Optimal Flour Blends and Quality Acceptability of Dumpling Produced From Finger Millet, Bambara Groundnut and Khain Composite Flours


Ibrahim Doris Gideon , Ani Jane Chinyelu ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 96-112 | Views: 244 | Downloads: 70 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7611910

Volume 6 - December 2022 (12)


Blending flours from different plants have improved the nutrients composition of foods and have also brought to limelight the nutritional health benefits of some underutilized plants. This study aimed to determine the optimal flour blends of finger millet, bambara groundnut (BGN) and khain (Lecaniodiscus cupanioides) and quality acceptability of its dumplings. Finger millet, bambara groundnut and khain seeds were processed into flours and composites were formed by varying levels of khain (0 – 15 %) using 4 x 4 factorial in CRD. The composite flours were subjected to proximate composition, functional and pasting properties analysis. The optimal blends were determined based on high water absorption capacity, swelling capacity and high peak viscosity among other criteria suitable for dumpling production. The selected composite flours were used for dumpling production, and subjected to quality acceptability test using the 9-point hedonic scale. the study observed significant increased (p<0.05) in proteins, fats, fibre and ash content of the composite flours while moisture and carbohydrates decreased with respect to increase of BGN and khain in the blends. BGN addition decreased swelling power and solubility of the blends while khain incorporation increased swelling power of the composite flours. Interaction of both BGN and khain increased water absorption capacity and swelling power of the composite flours. Peak viscosity showed increase while peak time and temperature decreased as khain levels increased in the blends. Sample having 30% BGN scored higher in colour and was significantly different from the control. This implies that BGN addition improved the dumpling colour. All samples were rated high in overall acceptability and didn’t show significant (p>0.05) difference. The study suggests that composite flours from varying levels of BGN (10 - 30 %) and khain (5 - 10 %) could produce acceptable dumplings


Optimal flour blend, Pasting properties, Finger millet, Khain, Dumpling


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