Growth and Production of Jack Bean in NPK Fertilization and Probiotic Bacteria Applications


Abdullah Sarijan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 113-122 | Views: 178 | Downloads: 62 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7689208

Volume 6 - December 2022 (12)


This research aims to increase the growth and production of jack beans through the provision of NPK fertilizer and probiotic microbes, carried out from September 2017 to July 2018 at the Cikarawang Experimental Garden, IPB University, and various types of laboratory analysis until August 2018, and designed in a complete randomized block with nine treatments fertilization, and three replications. Experimental plot measuring 400 x 550 cm with 56 plant populations (double row planting pattern 50 x 50 x 100 cm) and 12 sample plants. 5 sample plants were used for growth analysis (relative growth rate and leaf area index) planted in polybags. The treatment did not affect the generative growth and analysis of plant growth but affected most of the yield and production components. Treatment of organic and bio-organic fertilizers followed by probiotic solutions tended to be better and not different from 100% NPK. The treatment has not been able to increase pod harvest (10.9 pods) and production. Rotten pods, empty pods, and deciduous pods were still high (11.9 pods), and there were easy pods (8.9 pods). The treatment causes changes in aggregate in the soil texture but does not cause changes in soil classification


NPK fertilization, bio-organic, probiotic bacteria


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