Effects of Combination of Plant Extracts for the Control of Black Bean Aphids and other Beneficial Insects on Common Beans


Mwanda R. Nasson , Chilagane A. Luseko , Steven R. Belmain , Mulungu S. Loth ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 32-46 | Views: 254 | Downloads: 80 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7689151

Volume 7 - February 2023 (02)


An experiment was conducted during wet and dry seasons at Ndugutu village from December, 2020 to August, 2021 to investigate effects of combinations of three selected pesticidal plants for the control of Black Bean Aphids(BBAs) and their effects on beneficial insects on common bean crop (Phaseolus vulgaris L). The experimental design was Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The combinations of pesticidal plant species extracts of D. trifoliata, D. ambrosioides and V. amygdalina (DT: DA: VA), D. trifoliata and D. ambrosioides (DT: DA), D. trifoliata and V. amygdalina (DT: VA) and D.  ambrosioides and V. amygdalina (DA: VA) each with 200 g/L of water. Results show that there was a significant difference (F = 4.26, df = 5, 204, p = 0.0001) amongst different treatments. All combinations were as effective as synthetic pesticide against BBAs during wet season while mixture of D. trifoliata, D. ambrosioides and V. amygdalina (DT: DA: VA) and D. trifoliata and V.  amygdalina (DT: VA) were the second most effective preceded by synthetic pesticide during dry season.  In addition, there was a significant difference of treatments (F = 2.81, df = 5, 204, p = 0.039) on bean yields. The highest bean yield during wet and dry season was recorded in synthetic pesticide with mean average of (1127.8 and 1786.6) kg/ha respectively. The second highest bean yields were recorded on treatment combinations of DT: DA and DT: DA: VA with a mean average of 955.3 and 1150.2) kg/ha respectively. This research has demonstrated that combination of pesticidal plants can be as effective as synthetic pesticide for the control of BBAs. Therefore, should be made to their incorporation in IPM in Tanzania.


Pesticidal plants, Synthetic pesticides, black bean aphids, incidence and 1severity, yield, beneficial insects and common bean


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