Agricultural Occupation Inheritance of Farmer in Nong Sam Wang, Nong Suae District, Pathum Thani Province


Sayam Aroonsrimorakot , Voraporn Sangnate ,

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Volume 7 - April 2023 (04)


The present study aims to study the agricultural community in Nong Sam Wang, Nong Suea District, Pathum Thani, Thailand province by interviewing 88 farmers whose main occupation were farmers, cultivating a variety of plants such as, palm, potato, grass sheets, flowers, fruits etc. along with rearing fishes in ponds. Most of the farmers completed only primary educational level.However, most of them cultivated on their own land and land rental from the Treasury Department. Most of the family members contribute their labor collectively in the family agricultural works.Only a few families hired labor from outside. Older farmers usually work in their farm with their offspring because they do not attend school or educated only till the primary level. In case, if their inheritors do not like farming, they usually lease the land to other farmers. Moreover, middle-aged farmers inherited occupation as farmers from their parent.


Inheritance career, agriculture, farmer in Nong Sam Wang


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