Analysis of Beef Cattle Breeder’s Food Consumption and Household Welfare During the COVID-19 Pandemic In Probolinggo Regency
Camal Adi Maskur , Muhammad N. Ihsan , Suyadi , Suprih B.S ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 67-74 | Views: 202 | Downloads: 64 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7689186
Consumption is the value households spend purchasing different necessities (food and non-food) over a specified period. Providing enough food for families is a problem facing Indonesia, especially Regency, his Probolinggo livestock breeder’s. Food consumption levels and the welfare of beef cattle breeder’s change separately during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study analysed food consumption expenditure and household welfare of cattle ranchers in Regency Probolinggo. The province of Probolinggo was chosen as the site with precision. Sampling h refers to a simple sampling in which the drawn sample has been identified as being of interest with specific characteristics. The model for this survey was 88 respondents with particular criteria. The data collected is primary and secondary. Preliminary data were obtained from questionnaires and secondary data from relevant institutions such as her BPS. This study employed a descriptive quantitative research method using the consumption formula, and welfare was measured using the Breeder-Rucker Exchange Rate (NTP-T). The results of this study show that the proportion of agricultural household food consumption expenditure (PKP) is IDR 997,000 or 6.5%, breeder households' balance of non-food consumption expenditure (PKNP) is IDR 14,691,457 or 93.5%. The breeder’s welfare level, calculated by the NTP-T (Breeder-French Breeder’s Exchange Rate), is 105, which means that the breeder is experiencing a surplus. Breeder’s income exceeds their expenditure. Therefore, it is considered that the living standard of the breeder’s households in the Probolinggo District is affluent.
Household Consumption, Welfare, Beef Cattle Breeder’s
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