Chemical Composition of Fonio (Digitaria-Exilis)/Ricebean (Vigna Umbellata) Based Complementary Food Fortified With Carrot and Crayfish


Ijeomah, O. C , Ukpong, E. S , Azubuike, C. U ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 47-53 | Views: 192 | Downloads: 62 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7689157

Volume 7 - February 2023 (02)


This study evaluated the proximate composition and micronutrient (vitamins and minerals) contents of fonio/ricebean based complementary food fortified with carrot and crayfish. Sprouted (72 h) and dehulled ricebean (Vigna umbellata) dhals and parboiled dried fonio (Digitaria exilis) (70:30) composite were fortified with 30% crayfish and 30% dried carrot (FNBN).  A similar blend with additional 20% milk (FNBP). A third blend containing unsprouted and undehulled ricebean (FNBU) and a fourth containing only treated fonio and ricebean (FNBM) were formulated. The diets were analyzed for proximate composition and micro-nutrients using standard analytical methods. The diets had high crude protein and calorific contents:  13.80-21.70% protein and 401. 56 kCal/g-415:91 kCal/g energy. The levels of iron (6.77-8.30 mg/100g) and zinc (4.32-4.85 mg/100g in the diets were low. Raw materials and dehulling accounted for this.  Plant foods are poor source of iron and zinc and dehulling removes those in the seed coats. Soaking and milling contributed to the low levels of B vitamins in the formulations: (thiamin (0.054-0.085 mg/100mg), riboflavin (0.043-0.060 mg/100g) and niacin (0.16-0.28 mg/100g)) due to leaching and thermal destruction. Further vitamin and mineral premix fortification is recommended.


Complementary food, fonio, ricebean, calorific value.


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