Effectiveness of Agro Ecological Practices for Weed Management in Rice-Beans Cropping Systems


Lukombeso Emmanuel Udumbe , Newton Kilasi , Kallunde Pilly Sibuga ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 60-75 | Views: 71 | Downloads: 27 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11473372

Volume 8 - April 2024 (04)


Weed infestation is one of the major constraints in rice production within Makwale irrigation scheme. This study was carried out to assess the effectiveness of agro-ecological practices in managing weeds. A split split plot experiment was laid down under randomized complete block design. The main plot treatments were three residues management (removed, burned and incorporated), treatments in subplots were different crops varieties: beans were (Wanja, Uyole 96 and Mshindi) and rice was (Super Zambia, Faya and SARO 5). In sub sub plot treatments were four different weed management regimes; mechanical weeding twice (MW2), mechanical weeding + pre-emergence (PM), pre-emergence only (PO) and control (CO). The highest weed control efficiency was obtained from PM with lower weed count, height/length and weed biomass and the lowest was CO for all common weed species identified in both seasons P< 0.001. Treatments MW2 and PM revealed high efficiency in weed control resulted into high crop yield; in beans, the highest seed weight was 572 kg/ha in MW2 followed by 490g/ha in PM, and the lowest was 208.5 kg/ha in CO plot. In rice, the highest yield was 3502 kg/ha in MW2 followed by 2789 kg/ha in PM, and the lowest was 2398 kg/ha in CO at P< 0.001.  Therefore, for better growth and higher yields (PM) is recommended to farmers in bean-rice rotation as has revealed well in control of Oryza rufipogon as a noxious weed in the study area which is difficult to control by other methods.


Agro ecological practices, weed managements, cropping systems


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