The Effect of Agro ecological Practices in Soil Fertility and Nutrients Recycling with Beans-Rice Rotation


Lukombeso Emmanuel Udumbe , Newton Kilasi , Kallunde Pilly Sibuga ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 41-59 | Views: 86 | Downloads: 30 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11473321

Volume 8 - April 2024 (04)


this study examined the effect of residue management and crop varieties on soil fertility and nutrient recycling within the beans-rice cropping system. A split split plot experiment arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design was used. Main factor was crop residues with three levels, sub factor was crop varieties of beans and rice with three levels and sub sub factor was four weed management practices. Soil samples were taken three times; before beans planting, after beans and rice harvest. The collected data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) at (P<0.001). Results indicated a significant increase of pH, K and P after beans and a decrease after rice. OC and N were high in residues incorporated (RI) and lower in residues removed (RR), while pH, K and P were higher in residues burned (RB) and lower in RR. In beans tissue Potassium and Phosphorus were a higher in Wanja with interaction of RI and low in Uyole 96 and Mshindi with interaction of RB. Total nitrogen was significantly high in RI*M and low in RB*M at (P<0.001). In rice plant tissue, potassium and phosphorus were highly significant at (P<0.001) in RI with Faya variety while total nitrogen was significant high for Super Zambia (S.Z) in RR and lower in RB with Faya (F). It was concluded and recommended that beans-rice cropping practiced simultaneously with residues incorporation resulted in a significant increase of soil nutrients, ensured available nutrients for plant uptake and hence to be advocated and adopted by farmers


Agroecology, Crop rotation, residues management, nutrients recycling


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