Diseases of Kiwi fruit and Control of Dominant Patogen among Them in Adjara, Georgia


Otar Shainidze , Guram Chkhubadze , Shota Lominadze , Merab Mamuladze , Shota Lamparadze , Nodar Beridze , Lela Ebralidze ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-09 | Views: 302 | Downloads: 102 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7818597

Volume 7 - April 2023 (04)


During 2021 and 2022, research was carried out at the Plant Protection Laboratory of Batumi State University and in the Khelvachauri district (Sameba village) of Adjara, Georgia.The purpose of this study was to identify and determine the dominants pathogens of Kiwifruit   and determine the efficacies of different concentration i.e. 1000ppm, 2000ppm, 3000ppm, 4000ppm, 5000ppm of 12 different methanolic extracts from different medicinal plant species against main pathogen. Our results show that The bacterium Erwinia amylovora affects the fruits during ripening.The fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum affects immature fruit on the tree. Botrytis cinerea affects fruits during storage. Botryosphaeria dothidea affects the fruit during ripening.It was clarified that among them the most common and dangerous is the fungus Botrytis cinerea. It was found out that revealed that all the concentrations of plant extracts except Althaea officinalis, Betonica officinalis and Jasminum officinale brought about inhibition in the growth of fungi Botrytis cinerea. Highly significant inhibition percent of mycelial growth against Botrytis cinerea was observed in PDA media amended with the 5000ppm concentration of Inula racemosa extract. Among the 12 extracts evaluated,  4 extract showed mycelia inhibition above 82.1-97.4%, 3 showed moderate effect of 68.7 - 79.2 % and 2 showed least 30.6%  - 41.3%. The study ascertains the value of plants used in traditional medicine thereby concluding that Stevia rebaudiana, Inula racemosa, Rubia coradifolia and Panax ginseng   extracts can be emerged as safe alternatives to replace chemical fungicides against patogens. Based on a general analysis, it is very clearly shown that the investigation is an important step towards developing plant bioprotection strategies for antifungal activity against the important phytopathogen. That can be beneficial for farmers and researchers who involve in agriculture.


kiwifruit, fire blight, field rot, ripe rot, storage rot, antifungal activity, inhibition effect


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