Risk Management Strategies on Farm Outputs Among Small-Scale Poultry Farmers in Corcuera, Romblon, Philippines


Ken N Falculan , Jericho F. Falamig ,

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Volume 7 - April 2023 (04)


Poultry farming is known widely all over the country, especially since it is considered a source of income for Filipino farmers. This study was conducted to find out the risk management and determinants of farm outputs among small scale poultry farmers. This study used the descriptive method of research to gather information about the risk management and determinants of farm outputs among small scale poultry farmers in municipality of Corcuera, Romblon.  There are 100 poultry farmers involved in the study. Socio-demographic profile of the respondents, it comprises 50% male and 50% female with an age ranging from 51-60 years old and 70% of them were married. In terms of household size, 52% have 4-7 members. For their source of income 72% were poultry farming and 95% has an income of P5000-10000 monthly. 47% of the respondents are elementary graduate and 84% of them were poultry farming for 5 years and above. 83% of the respondents have native chicken as their type of chicken in their poultry farm. Most of the respondents agreed on the different risks in managing poultry such as; environmental risk, production risks, health risks, market risk, and financial risk. There are determinants identified such as outbreak of disease, poultry facilities, veterinary care, supply of electricity and water, inadequate knowledge on poultry husbandry, and lastly high price of feed. Most of the respondents agreed that these interventions and strategies must be applied in managing the small-scale poultry. Such intervention stated are; promoting quality of poultry products, maintaining poultry health and sanitation, having strong communication and coordination between all those involved in poultry veterinary service, allowing plenty of sunlight and ventilation and allowing plenty of sunlight and ventilation, having personal saving, investing in quality feeds, biosecurity obtained and good drainage system.


financial risk, intervention, poultry farmers, products, strategies


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