Secondary Compounds and Food Selection by Olive Baboons (Papio anubis) in a Wildlife Park
ODEBIYI, B. R , Odunlami, S. S , Oyeleye, D. O , Adewale, R. O , Oso, A. O , Banjo, O. B ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 60-68 | Views: 230 | Downloads: 67 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7901028
Nutritional ecology in the context of primate-plant interaction is essential in the understanding of primate survival and adaptation. Secondary compounds are major components of primate food plants. Studies on chemical basis of food selection by wild animals are invaluable in designing appropriate and deliberate conservation actions. We therefore investigated secondary compounds in food and non-food resources of Olive baboons in a view to establish if these phytochemicals formed the basis for food selection. The study was conducted in a wildlife park; Old Oyo National Park, Nigeria from January to March. Direct observation method was used to elicit data on the food and non-food resources of olive baboons. Feeding sites were obtained through trailing system and auditory clue methods. Secondary compounds (glycosides, alkaloids, phenolic and condensed tannin) were examined in the food and non-food resources of olive baboons using standardized procedures. Significant differences in the secondary compound content of the food and non-food resources consumed by the primates were tested through Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The phytochemical analysis revealed that the secondary compounds examined were present in all the food resources consumed by olive baboon in the Park. Highest concentrations of glycosides, alkaloids, phenolic and condensed tannin were found in Magnifera indica (0.28767%), Adansonia digitata (0.617%), Magnifera indica (0.351%), Parkia biglobosa (0.008533%) respectively.There was significant difference in the concentration of secondary compounds found in the food resources consumed by olive baboons. Secondary compound content of food resources of olive baboons in the park outweighed the secondary compound content of non-food resources, although they did not differ significantly. The secondary compounds investigated in the diet of olive baboons did not negatively affect their food selection in the wildlife park. Olive baboons in the study area did not prefer food with lower concentration of the secondary compounds. None of the secondary compounds acted as feeding deterrent. Olive baboons demonstrated high tolerance for the tested secondary compounds.
olive baboon, food selection, glycosides, alkaloids, phenolic and condensed tannin
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