Evaluation of Water Quality of Eleyele River, Oyo State using Water Pollution Index, Heavy-Metal Pollution and Evaluation Index


Oyetunji, O. T , Obikoya, R. T ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 54-59 | Views: 238 | Downloads: 78 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7901024

Volume 7 - April 2023 (04)


Water is an essential resource to sustaining life. The quality of water depended on its usage since it could pose public detrimental health and environmental threats. The assessment of water quality is very essential to both public health and aquatic life.Water Samples were collected at the surface and at 1m depth in triplicates bi-monthly for 6 months from November 2010 to April 2011 at five stations. The following parameters; pH, Temperature, Conductivity, DO, Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate and metals; Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, Cd, Ni were analysed according to standard methods. Water Pollution Index (WPI), Heavy-metal Pollution Index (HPI) and Heavy-metal Evaluation Index (HEI) were used to evaluate the water quality and heavy-metal pollution level in the water body.The physico-chemical parameters fall within the range of standards provided by WHO, except for dissolved Oxygen and Conductivity. The levels of the metal followed the trend Mg>Fe>Cr>Pb>Zn at the surface and Mg>Fe>Pb>Zn at 1m depth. Some metals were not detected in the water sample at both levels (Cu, Cd and Ni), Cr however, was detected at the surface but not at 1m depth and the concentration was within limit of the standard. Mg had values within the standard, while, Fe, Zn and Pb had values higher than the WHO standard at both surface and 1m depth. The WPI at the surface was 0.260 and at 1m depth was 0.257. HPI values are 59.68 and 86.34 for both surface and at 1m depth respectively. HEI on the other hand have values at the surface, 6.81 and 1m depth, 7.44. There is a need for conscious effort geared towards improving the quality of water in terms of metal pollution in the water body.


Water Pollution Index, Heavy-metal Pollution Index, Heavy-Metal Evaluation Index, Eleyele


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