Combining Organic and Synthetic Fertilizers for Green Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) Production


Nanik Setyowati , Zainal Muktamar , Faisal Abdullah Muharam , Entang Inoriah , Heru Widiyono , Merakati Handajaningsih ,

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Volume 7 - June 2023 (06)


Excessive usage of synthetic fertilizer will cause the degradation of soil structure (hardening) and decreasing crop yield. On the other hand, organic matter improves soil structure and stability of soil aggregates, allowing for optimal soil aeration and increased fertilizer efficiency. This research aimed to determine the best combination of cow manure and vermicompost with synthetic N for greens mustard growth and yield. The research was conducted in Rawa Makmur Village, Muara Bangkahulu District, Bengkulu City, Indonesia, using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The study consisted of 10 treatments and five replications, namely P0 = No fertilization (control), P1 = N 138 kg/ha, P2 = Cow manure 20 tons/ha, P3 = Vermicompost 15 tons/ha, P4 = 25% P2 + 75% P1, P5 = 50% P2 + 50% P1, P6 = 75% P2 + 25% P1, P7 = 25% P3 + 75% P1, P8 = 50% P3 + 50% P1, P9 = 75% P3 + 25% P1. The results showed that 50% cow manure + 50% urea and 75% cow manure + 25% urea are combinations for the highest growth and yield of green mustard in Ultisols.


Brassica juncea, fertilizer substitution, green mustard, organic farming, sustainable agriculture.


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