Growth Performance of Broiler Starter Chicks Fed Boiled Mango (Mangifera Spp) Kernel Composite Meal as A Replacement for Maize


Abang, Favour Bette Patrick , Archibong, E. E. , NSA, E.E. , Izuki, E.D. , Kperun, T. K , Abraham, F. L. ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 16-22 | Views: 302 | Downloads: 89 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8138275

Volume 7 - June 2023 (06)


A 28-day feeding trial was conducted to investigate the growth performance of SAYED broiler chicks fed varying levels of boiled mango composite meal (BMKCM). A total of 180 day-old chicks were randomly assigned to four dietary treatments, designated T1- T4, containing 0%, 10%, 15% and 20% inclusion levels of BMKCM respectively. Each treatment was replicated thrice with 15 chicks per replicate. Data were collected on growth indices and subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using statistical package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 2010. The results showed no significant (P>0.05) differences across treatments in all the parameters measured. It was concluded that BMKCM could replace maize up to 20% in chicks’ diets without depressive growth.


Boiled mango kernel, maize, broiler chick, performance indices.


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