Effect of Job Motivation on Cooperative Society and Members Performance Output in Ogun State, Nigeria


Akerele E. O. , AMUSAN Hammed Olawale ,

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Volume 7 - December 2023 (12)


This study investigated the effect of job motivation on cooperative society and members’ performance output in Ogun State, Nigeria. A total of one hundred and twenty (120) respondents were selected using cluster sampling technique and interviewed through well-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics such as frequency table, measure of central tendency and percentages were used and the regression model was used to analyse the impact of cooperative services on members’ outputs. The results revealed on socio-economic characteristics of the cooperative members revealed even distribution of the respondents with both male and females accounted for in this study. It was noted from the study that the average age of the respondents was 40.16 years. A good number of them (40.8%) attended secondary school. Education, in this study meant the ability to read and write. Majority (45.8%) were traders and majority (65.0%) of the cooperatives members are under the Credit and Thrift Cooperative Societies. The study further revealed that majority of the cooperative societies (50.8%) were offering all type of services from marketing to credit facilities to their members and 53.3% of the cooperative societies were serving a range of multipurpose from marketing, to credit and procurement of inputs purposes. The relationships with peers, assistance from the government and any other bodies, number in the management team, staff training/development programs, working conditions and promotion in the organization all motivates cooperative performance in the study area. Credit and household size are needed more to enhance cooperative members’ output. Challenges militating against the cooperative societies in rendering services to cooperative members are inadequate capitalization, high cost of obtaining farm inputs, inadequate infrastructure and inadequate capacity building/training. It was therefore recommended that people should be encouraged and enlightened to form and join cooperative society. The ministry responsible for cooperative should give reorientation to people on the benefits and need of obtaining cooperative membership, which will enable them access credit to increase output.


Effect, Job Motivation, Cooperative Society, Abeokuta South, Nigeri


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