Effect of Gibberellic Acid on Germination, Vegetative and Reproductive Characters of Different Varieties of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)


Shishir Regmi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 22-36 | Views: 58 | Downloads: 16 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11408954

Volume 7 - December 2023 (12)


The research was carried out to evaluate the effect of Gibberellic acid (GA3) seed treatment on vegetative and reproductive characteristics of different varieties of tomato in Dhading, Nepal in 2022. The experiment was carried out in two factorial Randomized complete block designs using three replications and eight treatments. Four levels of GA3 (0, 250, 500 and 750 ppm) with two locally popular varieties of tomato (Dalila and Platinum F1) were used as treatments. The results revealed that GA3 seed treatment at various levels was significant for both varieties on most of the parameters. GA3 seed treatment at 750 ppm resulted in shorter days to 50% germination (7.74), increase in plant height at transplanting (16.33 cm), plant height at 15 (40.77cm), 30 (86.67cm), and 45 (161.67cm) days after transplanting for Dalila variety whereas GA3 seed treatment at 500 ppm resulted in shorter days to 50% germination (8.06), increased plant height at transplanting (14.27cm), plant height at 15 (34.33cm), 30 (76.33cm), and 45 (142.67cm) days after transplanting for Platinum F1 variety. The later stage characters were only influenced by varietal differences where the Dalila variety was superior with a higher number of flowers per plant at 30 (5.50) and 45 (11.67) DAT and several fruits per plant (5.41) at 45 DAT. So, based on the current research, 750 ppm GA3 seed treatment for Dalila and 500 ppm seed treatment for Platinum F1 resulted in maximum vegetative growth whereas the Dalila F1 variety was superior to the Platinum F1 variety for both vegetative and reproductive characteristics on treated as well as untreated plots.


Tomato, Nepal, Gibberellic Acid (GA3), Dalila, Platinum F1


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