Evaluation of the Transgenic Potato Plantlets in Hydroponic Culture for Salt Tolerance


Muhammad Shah Zaman , Iqbal Hussain , Aish Muhammad , Zaheer Abbas , Sabir Hussain Shah , Kazim Ali ,

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Volume 7 - August 2023 (08)


The agricultural crop yield has been lessening due to the adverse effect of global warming and climate change. Salts stress is major yield devastating factor in crops. Hydroponics is an approach of growing plants in aqueous solution carrying basic nutrients without soil. In this experiment evaluation of plantlets of transgenic potato varieties Asterix and Sante having AtNHX1 gene along with their wild types (non-transgenic) was carried out at National Institute for Genomics and Advanced Biotechnology (NIGAB), National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad in the screen house conditions. The transgenic and control plants were tested at different NaCl levels 0.0, 20, 40 and 60 mM NaCl under hydroponic conditions. Both the transgenic potato lines not only survived successfully but also showed greater tolerance to salt stress even at 60 mM NaCl for plant height, number of nodes per plant, root length, root weight, shoot weight and total chlorophyll contents. On the other hand, the non-transformed plantlets (control) of Asterix and Sante could not survive even at 20 mM NaCl stress.


Transgenic Potato Plantlets, Hydroponic Culture, Salt Tolerance


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