Impact Analysis and Economic of Cluster Front Line Demonstration in Broccoli 


Dr Nitin Kumar Pandey , Dr Santosh Kumar , Dr jotish nongthombam , Dr K P Chaudhary , Dr Om Prakash ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 19-23 | Views: 47 | Downloads: 14 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11404015

Volume 7 - August 2023 (08)


The cultivation of broccoli is very popular in developed nations and in recent years, is gaining popularity in the State of Mizoram as a commercial crop because of its remunerative income, highly nutritional and medicinal properties.Krishi Vigyan Kendra Aizawl conducted the cluster front line demonstration (CFLD) during Rabi season during Rabi season of 2016-17 and 2020-21on INM with IIHR Vegetable special in Broccoli var. CLX3512 coupled with gravity based mini sprinkler system. A total area of 45 ha was covered under the demonstration belonging to 120 farmers.The highest curd yield was obtained in CFLDs on an average (211.40qt/ha), with 37.3 per cent more against farmers’ practice (151.0 qt/ha). The extension gap was 39- 76 qt/ha, whereas the technology gap was 48-89 qt/ha. and the technology index was reduced from 31.79-17.14 % with mean value 60.4 qt/ha, 68.6 qt/ha and 24.50 % during the period under study. The demonstrated field gave higher mean gross return (Rs. 680400/ha) and mean net returns (Rs. 558875 /ha) with average benefit cost ratio of 4.6 compared to benefit cost ratio of 2.41over farmer practices.The results highlighted the fact that yield and economics of broccoli can be enhanced by the adoption of recommended technologythrough Cluster Front Line Demonstrations. Hence, there is a need to disseminate the improved technologies among the farmers with effective extension methods like trainings and demonstrations.


broccoli technology gap, extension gap, horizontal, economic 


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