Nutrient Use Efficiency of Different Organic Fertilizer and Its Effect on Soil Properties and Yield of Brassica Alboglabra


Ibrahim, I.Z , Mat. Lajis, D , Sadek A.R ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 22-27 | Views: 64 | Downloads: 21 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11423731

Volume 8 - February 2024 (02)


In organic farming, homemade organic fertilizer such as compost or enriched organic material had become is one of crucial factors for nutrient management. Other than the limited source of N for organic fertilizer as the key factor for growth-limiting nutrients in organic farming, the cost of fertilization is also affected by different organic fertilizer application rates. Therefore, he objectives of this study were (i) to determine the effect of these organic fertilizers on the soil properties (chemical and biological properties) and (ii) to evaluate the efficiency and growth performance of Kailan (Brassica alboglabra) as influence by the application of different organic fertilizer in the field. A study was conducted at an integrated organic farming research area in the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) at Serdang, Selangor for two consecutive cycles. The experimental treatments were focused on the different rates of organic fertilizer inputs (3-33 t/ha from organic sources) with soil alone as a control. The treatments were applied 14 days after transplanting using Brassica alboglabgra as a test crop. The study result found that a BIOC at 2 tonne kg/ha give significant different in NUE, however NC at 33 tonne kg/ha rate of organic input had improved most of soil properties NF showed a great yield as well as their growth performances. Study findings have shown that the range of application rate of organic input depends on applicability of the organic fertilizer whether it can promotes nutrient uptake in plants and or can be scaled up to farm level to sustain organic system productivity


Organic Fertilizer, Soil Properties, Brassica Alboglabra


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