Weed–Competitive Rice Cultivars under Natural Weed Pressure in Malinyi District, Morogoro, Tanzania


Halifa Ally ILUMBI , Kallunde Pilly Sibuga , Lilian SHECHAMBO ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 24-42 | Views: 74 | Downloads: 29 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12648628

Volume 8 - June 2024 (06)


Weed-competitive rice cultivars and weeding interval are viable tools for integrated weed management in rice field among other control methods which may reduce effect of weeds. Based on these ideas, a field trial was piloted in 2021 inthe rainy season at Kiswago Village (located at 8o 54' 0" south, 36o 17’ 0" east) to determine the weed competitiveness of rice cultivars and appropriate weeding regime. Four cultivars were evaluated under natural weed pressure conditions. The trial was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design in split plot arrangement with three replications.  Sowing space was 25 by 20 cm for interrow and intrarow respectively. Data collected for crop were; Plant height, number of tillers and leaves, duration  to 90% grain maturity, panicle weight, grain filling, weight of 1000 seeds, grain yield, relative  and straw biomas, for weeds were; weed count and biomass. Significant differences among means were separated by Tukey honest and least significance difference test (LSD) at p ≤ 0.05. Out of six weed species observed, Paspalum scrobiculatum with greater Summed dominance ration (39.60), indicated that had greater contribution in competition. The results revealed significant differences (p<.001) in relative yield loss ranging from 39.54% to 63.84%. Karimata with lowest value demonstrated high tolerance to weeds while SARO 5 with high value had less tolerance. Twice and more weeding had positive effect (p <.001) on grain yield in all cultivar tested. Weed drymater and grain yield had significant negative relationship (R2 = 0.2691). Karimata contained high weed competitive ability than others three cultivars tested. Farmers are recommended to use twice weeding (at 15 and 45 DAE) to reduce cost, save time and increase productivity, more research is requested to evaluate karimata weed competitive potentials and control methods of Paspalum scrobiculatum and Ischaemum rugosum weed species.


Rice cultivar; weed pressure; yield; relative yield loss; summed dominance ratio


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