Fibre Potentials of Spathodea campanulata for Papermaking



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Volume 8 - April 2024 (04)


Spathodea campanulata is a tree species valued for its aesthetics and medicinal uses. Shortage of wood species for paper production has resulted in the assessment of lesser-used species such as Spathodea campanulata, for the possibility of its use in pulp and paper production. However, there is limited information on the anatomical characteristics of this species. Therefore, this study was designed to assess the fibre characteristics of Spathodea campanulata wood.
Three stands of S. campanulata were obtained from Ibadan and cut into billets (50 cm) at 10%, 50% and 90% of the total height. Blocks of 2cm x 2cm x 5cm were obtained from the billets for anatomical properties. Wood slivers were taken from these, macerated with an equal proportion of acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide; and viewed under a light microscope for the measurement of the fibre dimensions. Derived fibre morphological indices were calculated according to standard procedures and data was analyzed using one-way analysis of variance at α = 0.05.
Fibre length ranged from 0.80±0.04 (50%TH) to 0.97±0.02 (10%TH), while RR was highest at 10%TH (0.66±0.03). Slenderness coefficient was significantly higher at 10%TH (47.78±1.53) and least at 50%TH (39.36±1.91). There was no significant effect of sampling height on the fibre characteristics. Fibre length was within the range (0.70–1.60 mm) recommended for hardwoods used in pulp and paper production.
Fibre morphology of Spathodea campanulata is an indication that the species may be suitable for papermaking. Hence, it is recommended that studies be carried out on its optimum pulping conditions


Fibre, pulp, paper, Spathodea campanulata


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