Factors Influencing Consumers Repurchase Intention Green Cosmetics in Vietnam: A Qualitative Study


Tran Thi Song Lam , Le Ngoc Ha , Ha Tieu Linh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 65-83 | Views: 76 | Downloads: 27 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12737136

Volume 8 - June 2024 (06)


The objective of this article is to evaluate factors impacting on consumers’ repurchase intention green cosmetics of Vietnamese consumers based on qualitative research. The article conducted in-depth interviews with consumers who have purchased green cosmetics in the last 12 months. A total of 40 individuals are regular customers of green cosmetics and spa stores in Vietnam. In addition, the study conducted interviews with 5 experts in the Vietnam Natural Products Science Association. The data was compiled using Nvivo software and has summarized the factors affecting consumers’ repurchase intention green cosmetics in Vietnam.


Repurchase intention, green cosmetics, Vietnam


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