Response of Kasgot (Maggot former) Fertilizer to the Growth of Edamame Soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)


Akhmad Rizali , Siti Zahra Salsabila , Antar Sofyan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 07-13 | Views: 19 | Downloads: 9 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14802136

Volume 8 - October 2024 (10)


Edamame is a soybean plant originating from Japan which  has been developed in Indonesia with success.  Fresh soybeans from this exceptional soybean plant are consumed (vegetable soybean), namely soybean plants that are harvested when the seeds have developed and fill 80-90% of the seed space when the pods are still fresh green.  Innovation is needed in cultivation, especially in the fertilization aspect, to increase soybean productivity, especially edamame soybeans. One of the innovations that can be carried out to cultivate edamame plants is the use of organic fertilizer, including kasgot fertilizer (maggot former). The aim of this research was to determine the effect of kasgot fertilizer application on the growth of edamame plants.  This research used a one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The factors examined in this research were the treatment of kasgot fertilizer (B) with four different doses and two types of control (K), each of which was repeated four times to obtain 24 experimental units.  The parameters observed were the vegetative growth of edamame plants, namely the number of leaves, leaf width, plant height and stem diameter. The results of this research show that the application of cashew fertilizer has a significant effect on the number of leaves and stem diameter of edamame plants.  The best dose of kasgot fertilizer for lettuce plant growth is B4, namely 45 tons ha-1 or 113 g/polybag with an average plant height of 51.8 cm, number of leaves 27, stem diameter 9.2 mm and leaf width 8.63 cm


Aluvial; vegetative, NPK, kasgot, edamame


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