A Review of Soil Contamination and Remediation on Basis of Case Studies


Sadam Hussain , Danish Ali , Sarwan Khan , Yousaf Yahya Ali Sewar , Bounthong Pialuang ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 77-87 | Views: 1108 | Downloads: 345 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484259

Volume 3 - June 2019 (06)


Soil contamination has increased over the past few decades, mainly due to petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, pesticides application, industrial wastes, and human activities. Suitable and standardized monitoring and remediation strategies are required to minimize soil contamination. In this sense, in the most recent decade, there has been a developing innovative technology on the usage of residues and waste materials, originating from various industries, many remediation innovations (Chemical degradation, photo- degradation) and bioremediation to clean polluted soils. The purpose of this article is to collect contributions from outstanding researches and experts involved in various fields of soil contamination and soil degradation with some case studies to highlights and future developments in the context of contaminated soil monitoring and remediation strategies. The article is planned into six topics containing an introduction, soil pollution, types and sources of soil pollution, soil contamination and degradation, soil remediation and some case studies. I hope that the composed data will be beneficial to soil contamination researchers, (e.g., geologists, engineers, and biologists to get an overview of soil contamination and degradation


Soil Contamination-Soil Degradation- Soil Remediation- Case Study


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