Population Density and Frequency of Occurrence of Commercial Sea Cucumbers Species in Danao, Panglao, Bohol


Margie P. Vito ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 88-91 | Views: 1015 | Downloads: 359 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484261

Volume 3 - June 2019 (06)


The study was made to determine the species composition, population density and relative abundance of sea cucumber species in the intertidal area of barangay Danao, Panglao, Bohol. The collection of sea cucumber species was done during low tide. In the collection, 800 square meters’ belt transect was used. Actinopyga, Bohadschia, Holothuria, and Pearsonothuria were the four genera observed. There were only two species under genus Actinopyga with species A. caroliniana and A. echinites. Under genus Bohadschia three species were collected and were identified as B. marmorata and B.vitiensis. The majority were Holothurian species which includes H. atra, H. aff atra, H. coluber, H. fuscocineria, H. Hilla, H.impatiens, H. lineata, H. rigida, H. scabra, and H. turriscelsa. Under genus Pearsonothuria only one species was identified and named as P. graeffeii. Among the 94 holothurians, Holothuria atra had the highest density with 19 individuals per 25,600 square meters. second with the highest population density was the species of Holothuria fuscocineria, with 17 individuals per 25,600 square meters. This was followed by Holothuria scabra with 11 individuals per 25,600 square meters. Meanwhile, the species with a high frequency of occurrence was Holothuria atra with 56%, followed by H. fuscocineria with 53% and H. scabra with 34% respectively.  Result of the study showed that the majority of commercial sea cucumber species were of low population density and occurrence. Hence, there is a need for continuous monitoring of the population status of these species as they are of high marketable value


Assessment, Aspidochirote, Echinodermata, Holothurians, Marine Resources 


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