Morpho-Physiological and Growth Parameter Changes Associated with Improved Sprouting of Sugarcane bud Chips Treated with Growth Regulator and Nutrient Solutions


R.Anitha , S.Thiruvarassan , P.Christy Nirmala Mary , M. Shanmuganathan , M.Jayachandran ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 100-109 | Views: 1055 | Downloads: 308 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484265

Volume 3 - June 2019 (06)


A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different chemicals on improved sprouting of sugarcane bud chips. The study consisted of nine treatments (T1 - Untreated check, T2 - Foliar spray of 1%Urea in 15 th and 25 th day after planting, T3 - Foliar spray of marco and micronutrients solution weekly twice from 10th DAP to 25th DAP, T4 - Soaking of bud chips in 10% Seaweed extract for 2 hrs, T5 - T3+ Soaking of bud chips in 0.01% Ethrel for 2 hrs, T6 - T3+ Soaking of bud chips in 0.01% Ethrel and 0.1% Calcium chloride for 2 hrs, T7 - Soaking of bud chips in 20% Seaweed extract for 2 hrs, T8 - Soaking of bud chips in 0.01% Ethrel for 2 hrs, T9 - T3+ Soaking of bud chips in 0.1% Calcium chloride for 2 hrs).  In this study, CoC 24 variety was selected and three replications laid out in randomized block design. Significant variation in morphophysiological characters viz., survival percentage, leaf area, seedling vigour index, shoot length and root length was observed with different chemical treatments. Application of foliar spray of micro and macronutrient solution in weekly twice to each portray seedlings from 10th DAP to 25th DAP + soaking of bud chips in 0.01% etherl and 0.1% calcium chloride for 2 hrs registered significantly maximum mean values of growth parameters in plant and ratoon crop viz., tiller population, millable cane, cane length, cane girth, single cane weight and number of nodes. The same treatment significantly registered the maximum cane yield and sugar yield.


Ethrel, macro and micronutrients, bud chip, seedling vigour, cane yield


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