Making Probiotic Trichoderma sp. Using Rice Bran Media with Addition of Molasses


Faisal Ahya Hartantyo , Novita Dewi Kristanti , Agustbern Herychrist Benyamin FoEkh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 86-88 | Views: 849 | Downloads: 295 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484493

Volume 3 - August 2019 (08)


Probiotics are one of the products that are beneficial for livestock. Giving probiotics to livestock can improve their metabolic processes. Trichoderma is one of the microbiology that has antagonistic properties, namely suppressing the presence of other microbiology (pathogens). Therefore the researchers wanted to know the effect of giving molasses to the growth of Trichoderma sp in probiotics.This study aims to determine the effect of adding molasses to the growth of Trichoderma sp. in making probiotics using rice bran media. This study used a completely randomized design method (CRD) using four treatments and six replications. The treatment used is P0 = Rice Bran + 1% Trichoderma sp., P1 = Rice Bran + 1% Trichoderma sp. + 1% Molasses, P2 = Rice Bran + 1% Trichoderma sp. + 3% Molasses, P3 = Rice Bran + 1% Trichoderma sp. + 5% Molasses. Giving Molasses in the manufacture of probiotics on rice bran media had a significant effect (P> 0.05) on the growth of Trichoderma sp. but did not provide a significant difference in the decrease in pH (P <0.05). with the best results on P2 with 5.22 x 1010/g media spores


Trichoderma sp, pH, molasses, rice bran media, probiotic


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