Survey Of Insect Pests On Pigeonpea (Cajanus Cajan( L.) Millsp.) In Relation To Its Stages Of Growth In Makurdi, Benue State Of Nigeria


Aku, A. A , Ukwela, E. U ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 108-122 | Views: 975 | Downloads: 289 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3529425

Volume 3 - October 2019 (10)


A study was conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm University of Agriculture Makurdi (Lat. 7o 41’N, Long.8o 37’E), to document insects species associated with pigeonpea, and their relative abundance in relation to crop phenology.  A suction sampler (D-vac) and pitfall traps were used to collect insects, from three weeks after planting through to crop maturity infesting pigeonpea in twenty 5m x 5m plots. A total of ninety eight (98) species of insects were collected in both the D-vac and pitfall sampling. These consisted of 78 pests, 16 predators and 4 parasitiods in 10 orders and 39 families. Among the insect pests’ species, Chrotogomus senegalensis, Helopeltis schoutedemi and Clavigralla tomentosicolis were the most common pests. The action of these insect pests suggested that it is necessary to assess their status and economic impact prior to widespread dissemination of pigeonpea production technology in the area.


Pigeonpea, Insect pests, Sampling.


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