Productivity and Soil Properties under System of Rice Intensification in Rice-Rice Cropping System


H.L.Sonboir , Ajay Verma , K.K.Rout , P.K.Roul ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 78-85 | Views: 581 | Downloads: 194 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484489

Volume 3 - August 2019 (08)


A field experiment was conducted at Agriculture Instructional cum Research Farm, IGKV Raipur during kharif and Rabi seasons three consecutive years of 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 to study the effect of nutrient management practices on productivity of rice and soil chemical properties under system of rice intensification in rice-rice cropping system. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with four replications. The treatments were- T1-100%RFD + 10t FYM/ha, T2-100%RFD + 5t FYM/ha +Green Manuring +Microbes, T3 -75%RFD+ Treatment  with neem product + 10t FYM/ha, T4 -75%RFD + Treatment with neem product + 5t FYM/ha+ Green Manuring + Microbes T5 -STBR + 10t FYM/ha, T6 -STBR + 5t FYM/ha    + Green Manuring + Microbes, T7 -100% RFD, T8 -100% Organic (N equivalent), T9- control and T10- Normal transplanting with RFD. Results indicated that application of fertilizers based on STBR along with 5tFYM+5t Green manure+Microbes produced the maximum grain yield of rice, which was however at par with application of fertilizers based on STBR along with 10 t FYM/ha. STBR based fertilizer application recorded 8.62-10.20% and 8.64-11.29% higher grain yield during Kharif and rabi season, respectively, compared to application of recommended fertilizer dose. Application of fertilizers based on STBR along with 5tFYM+5t Green manure+ Microbes (PSB and Azospirillum) registered 50.58 and 50.55% % increase in grain yield compared to application of nutrients through organic sources only during Kharif and rabi season, respectively. There was no significant difference in soil pH due to different nutrient management during all the three years of study. Moreover, after three seasons of experimentation soil has increased carbon, available nitrogen, and available phosphorus but available potassium decreased slightly. The raise in soil organic carbon content, available nitrogen, and available phosphorus were to the tune of 0.10 to 0.12%, 35.1 to 58.9 kg/ha and 5.82 to 6.90 kg/ha, respectively whereas decrease in soil available potassium was to the tune of 24.3 to 38.5 kg/ha.


System of rice intensification, Nutrient management, Rice-Rice cropping system, Green manure, PSB, Azospirillum, STBR, Grain yield, Soil quality



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