Analysis of Potential Land Support for Beef Cattle Development in the Integrated Area of Gorontalo Province
Abdul Hamid Arsyad , Zaenal Fanani , Bambang Ali Nugroho , Moch. Nasich ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 21-29 | Views: 680 | Downloads: 254 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3519697
this study aims to identify and analyze the carrying capacity of the land available for the development of beef cattle farms. The method in this research is a survey method using a systems approach. the Data analysis method used is descriptive analysis. Site selection is done by purposive sampling method, with the consideration that this region is one of the integrated agricultural areas where one of the leading commodities is beef cattle. Data collected include secondary data related to research topics are derived from: a) BPS Regency Bone Bolango, b) the Department of Agriculture and Livestock District Bone Bolango. The data is then processed and analyzed through i calculation of Index Carrying Capacity of land and capacity increase in beef cattle population (KPPSP). Agricultural land in Bone regency Bolango has the potential to produce HMT 42788.72 ha. The land is derived from secondary forests, upland, wetland, and grazing land. While food plants that can produce agricultural waste that can be used as animal feed for 88. 625, 55 tons of BK/year. This agricultural waste comes from corn, rice, peanuts, soybean, sweet potatoes and cassava. The results of the analysis show that the capacity of cattle in Bone Bolango Regency has a carrying capacity index value of 8.21 with the IDD category safe for all districts. Based on carrying capacity of the dry ingredients, District of Bone Bolango able to accommodate as many cattle ST 144,016.73 from existing livestock population of 23 607 ST, with a capacity of Livestock Population Increased by 120 410 ST. Whereas in the integrated farming area based on the carrying capacity of dry material is able to accommodate beef cattle as many as 9,338 ST of the existing livestock population of 2,021 ST, with an Increase in Livestock Population Capacity of 7,317 ST, assuming that all food crop waste is used as animal feed, so the area This has a great opportunity for the development of beef cattle in the future.
beef cattle, livestock units, carrying capacity index. KPPSP
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