Effect of Fermentation Trunk Banana Shoes (Moses Paradisiaca Forma Typica) Body Weight against Added Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus)


Arif Umbang Rokhayati ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 17-20 | Views: 2943 | Downloads: 305 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3519695

Volume 3 - October 2019 (10)


This study aims to Determine the weight increase is of Balinese cattle to the silage of banana stems shoe. The study was conducted in March to April 2019 in Dambalo Village, Tomilito Subdistrict, North Gorontalo Regency. The research site had a capacity of 50 cattle, but this study used 20 cows roommates who were divided into 2 groups. The first group as control was given 15 kg of elephant grass and then added 1 kg head /day of fresh banana feed and the second group was given 15 kg of elephant grass and 1 kg /head /day of banana shoe silage feed treatment. While processing the data using the t-test. The Results Showed that banana stem silage feed shoe was Significantly different (P> 0.05) to the value of the weight increase is or preferred by Balinese cattle. Whereas the value of body weight gain is higher in cattle feed given banana silage roommates Compared to Balinese cattle are fed fresh banana stems, where the average weight gain of Bali cattle is 42 to 57 grams/head/day. The conclusion is that the treatment of banana stem shoe fermentation was Significantly different (P> 0.05) to the palatability of Balinese cattle


Bali Cattle, Fermentation, palatability


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