Business Optimization Model of Beef with Plants in the Lowlands in North Mongondow Bolaang


Syarifuddin , Budi Hartono , Siti Chuzaemi , Hari Dwi Utami ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 30-39 | Views: 727 | Downloads: 247 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3519699

Volume 3 - October 2019 (10)


Integrated farming systems are becoming increasingly rational in line with the demands of efficiency and effectiveness of the use of land, labour, capital and production factors is limited. This study with the aim ofto analyzes the optimization of integrated farming systems in lowland village Bolaang Sangkub Tombolango District of North Mongondow North Sulawesi province. This study uses a survey to describe the characteristics of the data area and farmers in the linear analysis programming, Data analysis usingsoftwareLinear Program Solver (LIPS) and Microsoft Excel. The results showed that 1) The land, capital and labour are a highly influential factor for determining farm income. 2) analysis of the types of businesses in the lowland obtained revenue is the revenue generated in the cattle business optimization-paddy shows the results of the net income of farmers in the lowlands of Rp. 41.89293 million per year, so the farm is highly optimized and well worth the effort. 3) The results of the optimization effort cow-corn-coconut obtain the lowest income of Rp.19,994,054 per year so that the farm is not optimal to be developed


beef, integrated farming, optimal revenue


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