Inhibitory Effect of the Bioagents Trichoderma spp. And Plant Extracts in Vitro on Rhizoctonia Solani


Jose Francisco Diaz-Najera , Sergio Ayvar-Serna , Mateo Vargas-Hernandez , Antonio Mena-Bahena , Omar G. Alvarado-Gomez , Refugia Vargas-Nava ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 76-83 | Views: 860 | Downloads: 264 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3519711

Volume 3 - October 2019 (10)


Chili pepper cultivars are highly affected by pathogenic soil fungi causing wilting and reducing yields. As known, the use of fungicides to control these pathogens generates resistance, therefore biological and organic alternatives were evaluated. The objective of this study were to evaluate different Trichoderma strains, and organic products against the Rhizoctonia solani. In vitro conditions, were evaluated control with Trichoderma spp. and phytoextracts where diameter of colony, growth rate percentage and inhibition was evaluated. Statistical analysis showed highly significant differences (P<0.0001), T. harzianum and Trichoderma sp., inhibited the pathogen at 85.6 and 58.6%. Azadirachta indica+Cinnamomum spp. inhibited 100%, Lippia spp., Capsicum spp.+Cinnamomum spp., Cinnamomum spp.+Piper nigrum and Allium sativum inhibited 68, 65.2, 63.3 and 58.4%, respectively. T. harzianum, Trichoderma sp. and Azadirachta indica+Cinnamomum spp. showed the highest inhibition capacity.


Biocontrol, plant extracts, soil fungy


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