Formulation of Waxy Corn Flour and Goroho Banana Flour on Making Cookies as Alternative Healthy food


Musrowati Lasindrang , Marleni Limonu ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 48-54 | Views: 802 | Downloads: 296 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3519703

Volume 3 - October 2019 (10)


Cookies are the type of snack most people from child to adult-like. The objective of the research was to identify the best formulation of waxy corn flour and goroho banana flour and to analyze proximate content and organoleptic test of cookies. The research used completely randomized design with 5 treatments consisting of A0 (100%, 0%, 0%), A1 = 60%, 25%, 15%), A2 (50%, 35%, 15%), A3 (40%, 45%, 15%), and A4 (30%, 55%, 15%). Data were analyzed with ANOVA statistical test. The results indicated that cookies formulation of 30% goroho banana flour, 55% waxy corn flour and 15% wheat flour got the highest score with the best formulation at 5% level. Chemical analysis indicated that water content, ash content, protein content, fat content and carbohydrate content of the cookies are 3.37%, 3.62%, 9.27%, 0.73% and 83.01%, respectively. The crude fiber content of cookies ranged from 10.38% to 13.76%; the highest score was on formulation of 30% goroho banana flour, 55% waxy corn flour, and 15% wheat flour. Sensory characteristic of cookies from organoleptic test include colour, texture, aroma and taste with score of 5.40, 6.03, 5.73 and 6.10, respectively, which indicates significant difference


cookies, formulation, waxy corn flour, goroho  banana flour 


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