RapFISH Application of Fish Resources Manggabai (Glossogobius giuris) Ecosystem based In The Limboto Lake Gorontalo Province
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To ensure the sustainability of manggabai fish (Glossogobius giuris) as an endemic species of Limboto lake, its management should be based on that lake ecosystem. Therefore manggabai fish management requires an integrated management plan that involves all stakeholders. This research Aimed 1) finding the sustainable aims at of the fish based on the fish resources, habitats and ecosystems, technological, social, economic and institutional dimensions; 2) finding the status of the sustainability level of the manggabai fish based on the dimensions ( multi-dimension); 3) to identify the most priorities of manggabai's management. The research was conducted in the Limboto's Lake from January through April 2014. The Data were collected through the survey methods and direct measurement of the field. (RapFish) Analytical and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) for strategic management. The results indicated resources to that as for the status of the sustainability of the manggabai for the fish resources dimension, technological, social, economic and institutional dimensional fall under categorizy less (index 25 X <50%), while for of habitat and ecosystems dimensions under categorizy bad (index <25%). The multi-dimensional analysis of the sustainability status of the manggabai is poor of 34.44%. Therefore, the primary priorites for the manggabai fish should be on the habitats and ecosystem dimensions with conservation areas and upstream watershed buffer of Limboto lake synergistic action of all stakeholders.
Endemic species, Manggabai's, Limboto's lake, RapFISH, Analytical Hierarchy Process
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