Utilization of Eha (Cartanopsis buruana Miq) based on its Wood Anatomical Structure and Fiber Dimension


zakiah uslinawaty , Niken Pujirahayu , Nurhayati Hadjar , Nurnaningsih Hamzah , Abigael Kabe ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 95-99 | Views: 796 | Downloads: 277 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3519715

Volume 3 - October 2019 (10)


Eha (Cartanopsis Buruana Miq) is one of the many species scattered in the forest of Southeast Sulawesi, which until now has been not much exploited by a community. This research is aimed at optimizing the use of Eha (Cartanopsis buruana Miq) based on anatomical structure and dimension of fibers. This research was conducted in the laboratory of the Forestry Department, Faculty of  Haluoleo University. This research methodology is a nested experimental design (variation vertical position) with four repetitions. Observed variables in the study include a vessel (diameter, number of the vessel, contents of cells and perforation field), the rays (height, width, number cell rays, and the cell types), fiber (length, lumen diameter, and fiber thickness). The results showed that Eha (Cartanopsis buruana Miq) has incredible small vessel diameter (1.73 µm), the number of a vessel is rather sparse (5.85 per mm2) in radial section. The wood vessels are solitary, the perforation field type is medium/ simple, and there is no tylosis. Rays of height average are outstanding short (302.222 µm). The average width of the rays, including the width (136.042 µm), the number of rays per mm is quite significant (8.817). Fiber dimensional quality of Eha (Cartanopsis buruana Miq) is categorized into the third class in terms of the value of wood fiber as raw materials for pulp and paper. Therefore, Eha (Cartanopsis buruana Miq) is more suitable for the construction material of the house, bridge, plank, pole, as well as ribs and is good to be shingles.


Eha (Cartanopsis buruana Miq); vessel; rays; fiber dimension


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